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Massage Therapy in Edmonton

woman in a grey tshirt getting a back massageAt Oxford Wellness Clinic, we believe in the power of holistic care to improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Our unique approach combines massage therapy and chiropractic care to provide you with personalized plans that bring ultimate success in natural wellness.

How It Helps

Massage Therapy is considered one of the oldest healing arts. This restorative practice involves manipulating muscles, soft tissues, and joints to promote relaxation and alleviate pain. There’s also a therapeutic effect on the nervous and circulatory systems to improve overall wellness.

At Oxford Wellness Clinic, we believe anyone can benefit from massage therapy—even children—with a parent or guardian here with them. It’s one of the best ways to help ease muscle tension and help relieve pain.

We may recommend a session to a chiropractic patient while they wait for their appointment to ease their discomfort. An excellent adjunct therapy, massage therapy can help before and after an adjustment to help the correction last longer.


Enhanced Benefits for All

Here are just a few benefits our clients have seen

  • Pain Management: whether seeking relief from chronic pain or recovering from an injury, this therapy may be an effective tool in managing and reducing discomfort.
  • Stress Management: stress can take a toll on our bodies in today’s fast-paced world. Our sessions provide a calming and soothing experience to help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation.
  • Improved Sleep: if you struggle with sleep issues, our therapist will help you achieve a more restful and rejuvenating night’s sleep, allowing your body to heal and recharge.

Conditions We Address

Massage Therapy effectively addresses an extensive array of conditions, including:

  • Arthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Chronic Pain
  • Degenerative Joint Disease
  • Concussion
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Headaches
  • Herniated Discs
  • Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow
  • Low Back Pain
  • Migraines
  • Overuse injuries
  • Sciatica
  • Sports Injuries
  • Sprain/Strains
  • Joint Issues
  • TMJ
  • Vertigo/Dizziness
  • Whiplash

Sessions and Pricing

We recommend arriving early to complete any necessary paperwork to prepare for your visit. Please dress comfortably in clothes that are easy to remove or adjust during your session. We respect your comfort and provide you with the choice of being clothed or unclothed during the massage.

Most of our patients book either 60- or 90-minute sessions. Our RMTs also do a great job educating their clients about what to expect after their session. They guide them on when to book another session and what to do at home to help the results last longer and prevent a recurrence of the problem.

We offer various massage options to meet your specific needs. Whatever length of time you choose, you can be assured of getting the same excellent care from our licensed therapists every time!

30-minute: $60
45-minute: $85
60-minute: $110
90-minute: $145

Experience Pain Relief and More

Our highly skilled practitioners connect deeply with each client, ensuring a warm and welcoming experience. While each has their unique style, the quality of care you’ll receive is always at the highest level, providing exceptional results.

Book an appointment at Oxford Wellness Clinic today and embark on your journey to natural wellness. Our skilled practitioners will create a custom care plan tailored to your needs, ensuring the ultimate success in achieving optimal health and vitality.



Massage Therapy Edmonton, North Edmonton AB | (780) 758-8323